So, there's had being a hot, hot days around here and between my job I have been using my free time to feed up my new obsession, I have been wanting to share this kinda of things with you so, here I go:

So now ahead I'll write about those obsessions that stick with me because yeah, they don't vanish, they will die with me.
Like I say, I'm feeding up of a new one... well, the truth is that it's not new, It's an old obsession and again: they stick with me and never die. I'm talking about Prison Break; maybe if you are older than 20 years old, you always had a taste for this, intense, maniatic and well writed stories, and of course you had suscription to FOX, I'm sure you watched something of Prison Break.
This series premiered in Venezuela in 2007, so TEN YEARS ago I fall in love with Michael Scofield.

But why, if the series ended years ago, I'm talking about it right now? Unless you live in a cave where the giants live, you would know that the wonderfull Wentworth Miller (Michael Scofield) went to FOX with the idea of making a NEW SEASON and that season it's been aired by FOX every thursday at 10PM since the April 4th.
This thursday premieres the 4th episode of 9, (very few, I know) and because of the 3th episode's ending I started a couple of days ago to watch it again online, from the start and that has been a magnificent decision.
I enjoy so much this stories and I'm sorry for those people that doesn't take 40 minutes of their time to appreciate the art of Television. I'm sorry for those who thinks ALL television it's bad when it's obvious it isn't and this show proofs that. And, besides, who doesn't need a 40 minutes (at least) break everyday? I don't! I need more!
I work in the afternoons, so, don't bother me in the mornings. In 2 days I already watched 22 episodes: season 1, and I'm currently watching the season 2.

If you haven't seen it or otherwise you are reading this and you know exactly what I'm saying and this makes you wanting to watch it, YOU CAN DO IT HERE, including the new episodes of the 5th new season if you hadn't the chance of catch them before. (I recommend Option 1 (Opción 1), you can deactivate the spanish subtitles.
And if you love Michael and Sara (MiSa) here I let you some things I found dedicated to their story. Enjoy!
If you want to share this obsession with me you can follow me on twitter @RoraimaC or on Instagram @ProduccionesEira. You can also follow this to WONDERFUL accounts on twiiter @PrisneylandPB and @DensiAllMiSa! They share this deeply love, so go and follow them too!
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